Dare to be the face of your company

Don't lean solely on your company brand and hope for success

  • People do business with people
  • Your reputation matters
  • Clarity builds trust

Learn to use your reputation to push your business forward

  • What do you want to be known for?
  • How do you come across?
  • Why would people do business with you?

Develop your personal brand

Develop your personal brand

Learn to use your reputation to push your business forward

Does any of this sound familiar?

So many ideas with little result.

You’re throwing all your time into work. Chasing a million ideas at a time, but at the end of the day, you are left feeling stuck. You are doubting if you have it in you.

Unsure how to attract your ideal audience.

You know they're out there, but you keep running circles around that ideal, almost holy, message that will get them to notice you. It’s so easy to spot it for others. But when it’s your message, hahaha, FORGET IT.

Losing motivation.

All these influencers place content that instantly catches your eye. They make it seem so easy. You find yourself asking, “what should my angle be?” You’re worried. Time is flying by, and you can’t think of ways to stand out and make a difference above all the noise.

Frustrated by all the uninspiring information.

You’re tired of seeing the same old jargon terms that will solve all your problems. Design thinking, Agile, Bla Bla. You just want to get things done. You want something new, something inspiring. Oh yeah, and you want it NOW.

Did you smile as you read all of the above?

Then you are probably a campaigner like me!

And if you are not sure, take the test.

Just for fun, how many boxes do you check off?

Do first, think later type

Your main strategy is called doing things

You rather ask forgiveness then permission

You’re a dreamer, an idealist, and a realist…and wouldn’t trade any of them

You love your chaotic self and yet you crave some simplicity

You’re not sure whether you respect or resent structured people

Are you nodding your head in approval?

Don’t worry.

There is a way to keep all your virtues and move forward. If I, out of all people, can find it in me to structure (this word is truly my nemesis!) my thoughts on paper, so can you!

You are just missing that last piece to complete the puzzle

You have a crystal clear business brand

You know your audience inside out, you have a product they will love, and you know exactly how get them interested.

If that’s not the case, go fix that first and then come back.

A strong personal brand will help you build trust

People do business with people. This cannot be more true than in the early stages of growing your business.

Your personal brand is your reputation, so let’s make it count.

Ready to start working on your personal brand?

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Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.

Thomas Carlyle

There is only one way to avoid criticism. Do nothing. Be nothing. Say nothing.


When it’s obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.


If you don’t have time to do it right, what makes you think you’ll have time to do it over?

Seth Godin

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

Napoleon Hill

Trust your hunches, they are usually based on fact files just below the conscious level.

Joyce Brothers
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Want to take it one step at a time?

Let's talk first

Building a personal brand can feel overwhelming. Something most people don’t do diving head in first. You can always reach out to me with any specific questions or if you prefer schedule a call.

Don’t have any questions at this point, but simply want to connect and stay in touch? Reach out to me on LinkedIn.

+31 (0)6 489 53 968
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